Session 2
Hearing about the possibility of riches in the old dwarven stronghold of Gunderholfen, Treacle Finger(E,T) and Daisey Targaryen(H,F) decided they would seek their fortune. From the rumor mill, they learned that there is a secret passage to the "floating level" that bypasses the "grey dwarves" and that the arch-lich Nalifixaad has returned and taken over Gunderholfen once again. They also heard from the survivors of the first reconnoiter, learning about the presence of kobolds and hobgoblins. They found two others to join them Clevis(H,C) and Muna(H,M) and set out.
Upon reaching the valley at the end of the swamp trail, they decided to search the ruins, finding nothing. They scouted ahead, and found that there seemed to be no one outside. The entered and encountered a couple of kobolds who shouted at them threateningly in some unknown language. Realizing that none of them spoke kobold, they drew their weapons. After several minutes the kobolds were bested. The party found themselves in a square room of stone with a clay statue of a snake-headed humanoid set into an alcove in the middle of the north and south walls. They investigated the statues and, finding nothing, decided to topple one breaking it on the floor. They found nothing inside. They pressed on, through a door, down some stairs, and around a corner. Unfortunately, Treacle Fingers fell through a trap door into a pit, injuring himself. The group helped him out and then proceeded more cautiously down the hallway, throwing small stones ahead of them. No other traps seem to present. They continued on, besting a couple of kobolds in a torch-lit room with a mural of fighting dragons.
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At least our friends weren't surrounded. |
The party, tired and wounded, decided it was time to leave and recover. Unfortunately, on their way out they encountered a party of kobolds coming in. Unable to tell how many there are, the party fled back into the dungeon. They feebly attempted to brace a door closed with a spear and then huddled in a small 10' room with javelins, urine, and, most importantly, a narrow doorway. There the kobolds found them. The kobolds were killed one by one, but so was our party. First Daisy, then Clevis, and finally Muna fell to the kobold clubs. Treacle fingers stood alone and the end of the battle. Quickly appraising the situation, he hightailed it back to Longfelt.
Session 3
Treacle Fingers returned to Longfelt and told his tale, which somehow roused the spirits of Taylor and Lembas to try once more to find treasure in the kobold lair. A second Targaryen joined them, Daisey II.
First, Lembas needed some quick cash. He plied his trade by picking the pockets of some local drunks relieving themselves in an alley outside of a bar. They returned to the bar, bladders emptied and pockets, too.
The party restocked and headed back to Gunderholfen, with food in their packs and hope in their hearts.
There they found things much as Treacle Fingers had described to them. Blood smears on the floor indicated that dead bodies had been drug away, seemingly deeper into the lair. The peered into one room, noticing through a closed portcullis that some kobolds appeared to be on guard, but there was not obvious way to get through to them. So, they followed the blood trail. The bodies of Treacle Fingers' fallen comrades were found in a refuse pile, their belongings stripped. Another blood trail continued down another passageway, but the party decided not to follow it. Instead, they explored another route, and encountered a couple of kobold sentries guarding an entrance to the lair from a natural cavern. Mace and sword quickly dispatched them.
The natural cavern that they entered seemed to be somewhat different from the previous environment, dripping stalactites clustered on the high ceiling, exotic fungi & toadstools everywhere. They explored some tracks through the fungi to find a room full of beautiful purple crystal shards. They went on, into the fungus forest. Lembas and Treacle Fingers climbed the toadstools to scout ahead, seeing only more mushrooms and natural columns that divided the cavern. They continued deeper through the forest and, passing the columns, were attacked by a mantari. Thankfully, it did not find them unprepared and was slain quickly before its stinger could prick anybody. A passage out of the large cavern continued deeper, and they followed it.
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Mantari |
At the end of the natural passage, there was a door. Opening the door, the party was set upon by three goblins wielding spears and slings. Daisey decided to charge them and fell into a pit trap in front of the door. The others closed with the goblins and traded blows. Someone helped Daisey up (but your author cannot remember who), and she helped finish off their foes. Now, the party found themselves in a square stone room with a hallway to the east. While they looted the bodies and deliberated their next course of action, stones whizzed past them to clatter on the wall to their side. It seems that goblins down the hallway were slinging stones at them. Our friends continued to deliberate but took cover outside of view from the doorway, and eventually, they decided to leave.