Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Gunderholfen, sessions 2 & 3

 Session 2

Hearing about the possibility of riches in the old dwarven stronghold of Gunderholfen, Treacle Finger(E,T) and Daisey Targaryen(H,F) decided they would seek their fortune. From the rumor mill, they learned that there is a secret passage to the "floating level" that bypasses the "grey dwarves" and that the arch-lich Nalifixaad has returned and taken over Gunderholfen once again. They also heard from the survivors of the first reconnoiter, learning about the presence of kobolds and hobgoblins. They found two others to join them Clevis(H,C) and Muna(H,M) and set out.

 Upon reaching the valley at the end of the swamp trail, they decided to search the ruins, finding nothing. They scouted ahead, and found that there seemed to be no one outside. The entered and encountered a couple of kobolds who shouted at them threateningly in some unknown language. Realizing that none of them spoke kobold, they drew their weapons. After several minutes the kobolds were bested. The party found themselves in a square room of stone with a clay statue of a snake-headed humanoid set into an alcove in the middle of the north and south walls. They investigated the statues and, finding nothing, decided to topple one breaking it on the floor. They found nothing inside. They pressed on, through a door, down some stairs, and around a corner. Unfortunately, Treacle Fingers fell through a trap door into a pit, injuring himself. The group helped him out and then proceeded more cautiously down the hallway, throwing small stones ahead of them. No other traps seem to present. They continued on, besting a couple of kobolds in a torch-lit room with a mural of fighting dragons.

At least our friends weren't surrounded.


The party, tired and wounded, decided it was time to leave and recover. Unfortunately, on their way out they encountered a party of kobolds coming in. Unable to tell how many there are, the party fled back into the dungeon. They feebly attempted to brace a door closed with a spear and then huddled in a small 10' room with javelins, urine, and, most importantly, a narrow doorway. There the kobolds found them. The kobolds were killed one by one, but so was our party. First Daisy, then Clevis, and finally Muna fell to the kobold clubs. Treacle fingers stood alone and the end of the battle. Quickly appraising the situation, he hightailed it back to Longfelt.

Session 3

 Treacle Fingers returned to Longfelt and told his tale, which somehow roused the spirits of Taylor and Lembas to try once more to find treasure in the kobold lair. A second Targaryen joined them, Daisey II.

First, Lembas needed some quick cash. He plied his trade by picking the pockets of some local drunks relieving themselves in an alley outside of a bar. They returned to the bar, bladders emptied and pockets, too.

The party restocked and headed back to Gunderholfen, with food in their packs and hope in their hearts.

 There they found things much as Treacle Fingers had described to them. Blood smears on the floor indicated that dead bodies had been drug away, seemingly deeper into the lair. The peered into one room, noticing through a closed portcullis that some kobolds appeared to be on guard, but there was not obvious way to get through to them. So, they followed the blood trail. The bodies of Treacle Fingers' fallen comrades were found in a refuse pile, their belongings stripped. Another blood trail continued down another passageway, but the party decided not to follow it. Instead, they explored another route, and encountered a couple of kobold sentries guarding an entrance to the lair from a natural cavern. Mace and sword quickly dispatched them.

The natural cavern that they entered seemed to be somewhat different from the previous environment, dripping stalactites clustered on the high ceiling, exotic fungi & toadstools everywhere. They explored some tracks through the fungi to find a room full of beautiful purple crystal shards. They went on, into the fungus forest. Lembas and Treacle Fingers climbed the toadstools to scout ahead, seeing only more mushrooms and natural columns that divided the cavern. They continued deeper through the forest and, passing the columns, were attacked by a mantari. Thankfully, it did not find them unprepared and was slain quickly before its stinger could prick anybody. A passage out of the large cavern continued deeper, and they followed it.



At the end of the natural passage, there was a door. Opening the door, the party was set upon by three goblins wielding spears and slings. Daisey decided to charge them and fell into a pit trap in front of the door. The others closed with the goblins and traded blows. Someone helped Daisey up (but your author cannot remember who), and she helped finish off their foes. Now, the party found themselves in a square stone room with a hallway to the east. While they looted the bodies and deliberated their next course of action, stones whizzed past them to clatter on the wall to their side. It seems that goblins down the hallway were slinging stones at them. Our friends continued to deliberate but took cover outside of view from the doorway, and eventually, they decided to leave.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Gunderholfen, session 1

After meeting in the town of Longfelt, the party followed the trail through the Ganfal Swamp in search of the dwarven stronghold of Gunderholfen. They were Cheery Littlebottom the veteran (D), Taylor Slow the acolyte (H), Lembas the rogue (E), and Ridcully the prestidigitator (H).

As the trail ascended from the swamp to the hills before them, it entered a verdant valley. The party decided to first scout the area by climbing a hill nearby. From their vantage point, they spied ruins in the swamp to the NW and a great chasm stretching far to the north to SE a few miles away. Across the chasm to the east, they could also see a forest.

After their reconnaissance, the party entered the valley. The path led past moss-covered ruins to a great stone snake head at the head of the valley. Was this the lair of the snake-worshiping cultists they had heard about in Longfelt? The decided to venture inside. They listened intently at the first door they encountered but could hear nothing. Then, they entered, encountering three kobold guards. Cheery spoke to them in their own tongue, attempting to negotiate. Initially, the kobolds were receptive, suggesting that the party attack the goblins for them. The party deliberated and dithered, while one kobold was sent deeper into the lair. The kobolds began to sour on dealing with these intruders who didn't seem enthusiastic about helping the kobold cause. Three kobolds entered the room, bolstering their forces, and they threatened and drove away our adventurers.

The party wasn't sure whether this was the entrance to the fortress and mine of Gunderholfen. They decided to look around for another entrance, and maybe kill some goblins. Searching around the hills, they found the entrance to a cavern. They peering into it, but made noise and alerted the guards there. Lembas tested his maneuverability by climbing on the rock face above the cavern entrance, while Cheery hid just outside the cavern entrance. Lembas could tell they were hobgoblins who despite hearing something had not suspected intruders yet. The party decided to pounce on their foes. The hobgoblin guards were well prepared for their duty. They retreated behind a portcullis gate they dropped and got backup. Cheery fired her bow and Ridcully threw a dagger, but neither made it through the portcullis to injure the guards. Eventually, the party withdrew and retreated into the hills.

They rested for the night and decided to assault the kobolds the next day. In the morning, they were very concerned by how few rations they retained. It is decided that Ridcully and Taylor will hunt and forage for food, while Cheery and Lembas sneak and attack the kobolds. Unfortunately, the kobolds are on higher alert and are patrolling the valley; they spot the dwarf and elf. One retreats toward the entrance, while the other throws a javelin. It misses and he is slain by Lembas's sword. The other escapes. Our two compatriots pursue and open the front door again. This time, there are five kobolds waiting for them, formed in ranks with three wielding spears in the back row. Lembas and Cheery fight in the doorway to prevent being surrounded. Lembas is wounded and falls back; he runs to find the other party members. Cheery valiantly fights on, seeing retreat as more dangerous than standing her ground. The kobolds wear her down, and our dwarf is eventually skewered like some poor pig and lies bleeding on the ground.

Several minutes later, Lembas reaches his fellows and finds them empty-handed. Will they have enough time to run back and save the dwarf?

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Gary Con IX, part I: Legends of Wargaming

In this post, I deal with the dive I took into the history of role-playing games, through playing several of the games that directly proceeded D&D. In the next post, I'll highlight some of the work of game designers that I had the pleasure of meeting.


Last weekend, I took advantage of my proximity to Lake Geneva to attend Gary Con IX. The convention celebrates the life and work of D&D co-creator Gary Gygax with four days of (mostly) old-school gaming, with events ranging from historical wargaming to the 5th edition D&D.

For a few months, I've been playing Swords & Wizardry with Victor Raymond---organizer of Madison Traditional Gaming and long-time player in Prof. Barker's Tékumel campaign---and he suggested that I attend the con. So, Wednesday night I headed out to my first con, not really knowing what to expect. I figured that I would get sick of gaming after a few days, but at least the hotel would have a fitness center and pool, so I wouldn't go crazy.

It turns out that the key to a good con experience is pacing. I divided my time between playing games (usually one a day), browsing the vendors' booths, and hanging with people. Much of my good time was due to Victor and people he introduced me to providing tips and camaraderie. Thanks guys.

I didn't play a single traditional RPG the entire time, which was quite surprising. I arrived without anything on my schedule and without any idea of what I would do. But I quickly got the lowdown that this would be the opportunity to play some of the progenitors to modern role playing. So, I lined up several events from the "Legends of Wargaming" series: Braunstein, Dungeon!, Don't Give Up the Ship!, and Braunstein 4: Banania.


This game was one the most challenging that I've ever played. Imagine undergoing intense negotiations for 4-5 hours with incomplete information and a dozen other parties that want your time.

Created by Dave Wesely, the game takes place in the city of Braunstein, a territory of Prussia during the time of Napoleonic France, which happens to be surrounded completely by enemy territory. It was acquired by the Prussian king during a territory swap. Home to a university full of idealistic youth, it is particularly vulnerable to radical ideas sweeping across Europe from the revolutionaries in France. Additionally, its security is provided by the Landwehr, a group of locals who've seen no combat and fire their weapons sparingly in order to preserve ammunition. They are well-trained by their commander the Landwehr Major but very inexperienced.

My explanation does little justice to Dave's. He hasn't published the game, making the con events that he runs precious opportunities to play. While he's admittedly an amateur historian, his pre-game briefing is something to behold. I didn't think to take video, but really, you should participate if you can.

Once the players have been briefed, each is given a role in the form a dossier, money, and name tag. The dossier explains what the character---and therefore the player---knows and what the character's objectives are. The money is in the form of marks and francs, which are mostly worthless because of the revolution, with something like 10 to a mark. None of the players know what is in the dossier of the others, and everyone is working at cross-purposes. The roles used in my game were the Baron, the Chancellor of Braunstein University, the Banker, the Landwehr Major (me), the Colonel, the Owner of Tavern 1, 3 "loyal" Students (one is the colonel's son, another is a bastard child of a barmaid from tavern 1), 3 "radical" students (one is the Baron's son), the Mayor, and the Bookseller.

The game begins with the students in jail, having been arrested the night prior for brawling and rioting in the taverns. The Owner of Tavern 1 blames soldiers of the Landwehr and wants compensated, the Mayor wants to appease the town folk, the Chancellor wants to protect the students and the university, the Major wants to maintain order, etc. Over all this hangs the threat of the French.

Before I get to what happened in our game, let me say that I found it exhausting. As the Major, you get all of the shit. Other characters have their games that they get to play, trying to figure out how to swindle the others, but the Major has the additional responsibility of overseeing the only police force in town and holding in custody people that all of the other characters want released. I had everyone breathing down my neck.

SPOILER ALERT! (the next paragraph describes the results)

In our game, the Major, Mayor, Colonel, Baron, and Chancellor worked together to achieve some comprise about the situation of the students, acceptable to all parties. While the Major was engaged in private negotiations, other characters freely came and went into the jail to talk to the students, including the Chancellor, Colonel, Baron, and sleazy Bookseller. The Banker bribed three of the six guards to let several of the radical students escape. It was later revealed that the Banker was funneling money from the Baron to the Owner of Tavern 1, who had been paying for the barmaid's child to attend university, because the son was actually the philandering Baron's.



Megarry with his original board
Next up was Dave Megarry's Dungeon!. After Dave Wesely's success with Braunstein, Dave Arneson combined the play style of that game, players controlling a single character to achieve personal objectives, with Chainmail to create his Blackmoor campaign. The game still required a referee, meaning it could only be played when Arneson was around, and he couldn't play it himself. Therefore, Megarry was inspired to create a game that eliminated the need of referee but kept the same spirit. He brought along his original board that he created, with the rules, in a marathon 72 hours.
Blackmoor map, outside the dungeon

The game was surprisingly simple. I thought that it might be quite complicated, coming from a wargamer. But it was much simpler than something like 7 Wonders. In fact, I can imagine playing it as a child with my grandma. We certainly played games that were on the same level of complexity.
several groups playing the first edition of the game

Don't Give Up the Ship!

Mike Carr measures out movement for the ships

D-Guts, as it is called by folks in the know, is a tactical naval war game and the first game to be co-authored by Arneson and Gygax, along with Mike Carr. Our game session was hosted and refereed by none other than Mike Carr himself. Coincidentally, he was also the Colonel in the Braunstein game I had played two days prior.

The setup was a fictional battle between the French and British, taking place several miles away from the French coast (I think. I'll check the details later and update it here). The French had attempted to destabilize Britain by providing the Irish with arms and inciting a rebellion. This second fleet of ships is returning from Ireland, having realized that this plan is failing, and they just want to get home. But the British catch them.

The British have much better ships, with bigger guns and better crew. The French out number the British by one or two (it's hard to remember), and have soldiers below deck that are being transported. These soldiers can be called up to deck to fire muskets at close range or to engage in mêlée. Each side had a ship of the line in addition to several frigates, commanded by the admiral and loaded with cannons.

I captained the French frigate Romaine. We started upwind from the British, but they were more disciplined, staying together as the battle ensued. One of our captains took off directly downwind, and in front of the British, in order to distract them and draw off some ships (or maybe to run away). Another of our frigate captains carelessly sailed alongside the British command vessel and lost two of its three masts in the initial volley. It then lost the final mast moments later from a British frigate. Luckily, the crew kept their wits about them and were able to jury rig some canvas to ship to move with some degree of control.
The ships of the line are grappled and a French frigate has lost her masts

Our ship of the line closed in with that of the British, blasted it with an opening broadside, and then grappled, attempting to take the ship from the other commander. Instead, it was lost, and the British admiral took a prize vessel.

Another British captain took a French frigate by coming aboard, and I attempted to help. After she left the French ship with only a few prize crew, I grappled to take it back. Well, she hadn't gone very far and came right back. Mêlée ensued, and she claimed two ships, distinction as the best captain in the battle, and possibly a knighthood upon return to Britain.

In the end, we were clobbered. The reserve of troops that the French ships made grappling seem like a good idea, but it never worked out for us, in large part because the British crews were better trained for fighting as well as sailing. Had we stuck to our cannons, it would have required some very good maneuvering and luck in order to sink the British fleet.

 Braunstein 4: Banania

initial setup of board

The final game that I played was the fourth iteration of Dave Wesely's Braunstein. When he ran the first game, he thought that it was failure because he couldn't keep track of everybody and scoring was a nightmare. There was not any way to determine a clear victor. But the players loved it. So, thinking about how to improve the game, in the next two versions he instituted rules to keep strict record of each character's movements and dealings. The players hated them. In Braunstein 4, he found the sweet spot of merely tracking where players were each turn, but otherwise allowing a lot of freedom.

Twenty years ago, in the fictional republic of Banania, El Jefe declares himself Presidente for life. With the help of outside investors, he turned a backwater country, known only for its crocodiles, into a banana-producing powerhouse. However, the peasants resent that they no longer own their small farms and instead get paid meager wages by the International Banana Company (IBC). In addition, the chief is in some hot water. At the start, El Jefe has left the country to deal with some pesky human-rights-violations charges, saying that everything better be in order when he gets back.

The characters this time around were the Generals of the Army, Marines, and Air Force, the IBC Manager, the Weapons Dealer (actually Imperial something, but I forget exactly), the Commander of the Secret Police, the Minister of Information, the Vice President, the Minister of the Treasury, the Peasant Workers' Union Leader, the Factory Workers' Union Leader, and the Factory Owner.

The characters could communicate with each other by using the phone or by talking face-to-face with any other character in the same location. The catch was that when you used the phone, the MoI and Secret Police could listen.

In this game, I played the IBC Manager whose role was much less taxing than that of the Landwehr Major. I won't say what happened in our game, except that things got bloody.
Major Dave Wesely executing moves between turns

For somebody else's experience with the game check out this post.


Playing these games with their creators gave a new perspective on gaming and what it can be. They took familiar ideas and played with them until they got something entirely different and enjoyable. Comparing their development of these games with typical thoughts on D&D is informative. They were a bunch of wargamers, playing games where the rules are set but required a referee, due to the need to determine a winner between the two players. Therefore, while the rules were important, they weren't more important than having a fair and impartial referee. Nor were the rules, as written, more important than testing their boundaries.

When people think about D&D and its history, if they think about it at all, it seems that often people consider the lineage with Chainmail to be the most important. D&D must have been an outgrowth of a tactical miniatures game. But you have to remember that proto-D&D in the form of Dave Arneson's Blackmoor campaign owes at least as much to Braunstein as it does to Chainmail. The thinking when playing the game was not limited to "how do I move to just outside the charging range of the orcs so that I can shoot them before they reach me?" If you read the link above about Braunstein 4 and Arneson, you may realize that these guys were constantly thinking outside of the box, outside of the rules as they were written: "if I tie a rope to this flask of flaming oil, can I whip it into the high window of the tower?" "We know that the band tracking us is headed this way. Let's try to rig to counter-weighted net trap." For those of us that played a lot of 3E, that sort of thinking was constantly in conflict with the rules and the thinking that they encouraged.

Since reading about and playing old-school D&D, I've come to appreciate how much being a good player is not about knowing the rules and how best to maximize the build for your character. It's really about figuring out the game, remembering Rule 0: the Referee is the game. By that, I mean that to play well is to constantly test the boundaries of what the referee will allow, not (always) in the sense of trying to pull a fast one, and use this knowledge to concoct successful and, hopefully, gnarly outcomes.

Monday, December 10, 2012

First Session: The Goblin/Kobold Defense

Surion the Magnificent Wizard, Velma the sneaky half-elf rogue, Finnean the Fiery Fighter dwarf ventured into the cave after a short and sweet conversation with Buff Hardback, who informed them 1) entries into the cave are scheduled regularly 2) other groups of adventurers had gone in and NOT RETURNED and 3) if they return without the orb, they're gonna be in a world of pain (the Aevulking don't play like that brah). Journeying downwards, they found a small antechamber. Beyond, they could see a large cavern where several guard kobolds and goblins sat chatting and eating their filthy goblin gruel around some campfires. Velma's keen half-elven eyes were able to espy a thin, gossamer strand stretching across the doorway. Both she and Surion let loose with their bows, injuring two of the goblins. Alerted, the goblins with crossbows ran to get behind two shoddily constructed barricades. Unfortunately, in returning into the antechamber after taking a shot, Velma's feet were not as keen as her eyes. She tripped over the wire. A large bell sonorously resounded, waking two armored goblins that had been fast asleep in a treasure room off of the main cavern. To add insult to injury, one of the crossbow goblins, steadying his aim on the barricade, managed to land a quarrel straight into her left ass cheek, severely injuring the half-elf. After a few more seconds of back-and-forth archery (and a goblin mage slinging frightening purple missiles of arcance potency), Finnean had had enough, charging out of the room at one of the barricades. At the same time, Surion magicked several magicks moft potent and lulled one of the crossbow goblins and both spear kobolds at the other barricade, as well as one of the awoken armored goblins, to sleep. The goblins before finnean fled to the relative safety of their sleeping comrades' barricade, and he got a but a piece of one as it did. The goblin mage took the fight to the adventurers, entering the antechamber and warming up a terrifying cone of fire from his hands. Unfortunately for him, Velma had remembered she was a rogue and deftly flipped out of the way. Drawing her bow, she nailed the unfortunate mage in the chest. Spewing ichor, he began to flee in terror. Surion cast an enlargement spell on Finnean, who used his mammoth size to eventually best the waking armored goblin in single combat, though he was beset by arrows from the crossbowmen across the room that yet lived. Beset, that is, until Velma's arrow exploded one of their heads. Both crossbowmen fled, one to the treasure room in the northeast corner and the other to another antechamber to the west. Surion and Velma followed the mage and crossbowmen to the room in the west, where they were pounding on a door. After dispatching them, Surion had a really really good listen and could faintly hear the snoring of several other small creatures on the other side, some distance away. Finnean, meanwhile, managed to chase the final remaining goblin into the treasure room in the northeast corner. Though Finnean Loomed Menacingly, the goblin overcame great odds to pull himself together, and then overcame greater odds to plant a quarrel straight in the magically giant dwarf's throat. Already weakened by multiple quarrels to the feet and shoulder and a gash from the cruel curv-ed scimitar of the armored goblin, Finnean fell making gurgling noises. The goblin, believing himself invincible, ran out into the main room and was promptly felled by Surion and Velma. Finnean, after a few seconds, did manage to stabilize himself and is out of danger for now. Surion went about slitting the throats of the sleeping enemies, and the team rejoined to the treasure room to see what they could see, and prepare to venture further into the cave...

Call to adventure: The Cave

Your characters are all, for whatever reasons you come up with, in the sleepy town of Robert's Mill, on the edge of the Wilds in the Eastmarch. It is a farming village with a minor garrison to defend against periodic raids by the Wildmen to the east, and its main feature is a mill owned by a brutal monopolist by the name of Bob. He insists that he be called Robert, but his parents really did just name him Bob. The town is unusually bustling--a glut of adventurers are hanging around, and as a result a glut of merchants have come to serve them [meaning you can buy whatever you can convince me would be found in a regular sized city, not just a tiny town]. Why so bustling, you ask? A Proclamation of the King! Your characters, whether reading it for the first time or having seen it elsewhere and come here as a result, read it thus: "HEAR YE HEAR YE A Royal Proclamation of King Klishayd Aevulkin, Thirteenth of His Name, Defender of the Westmarch, Eastmarch, Southwestmarch & other Marches &tc. To the Northeast of the King's Village of Robert's Mill, there is a cave infested with Goblins and Kobolds. Fear not, innocent citizens, for my faceless AevulTroopers are standing guard around the clock to prevent their escape. However, for those of you with more strength or skill, I have an offer which may interest you. It has come to my attention that, beneath the grottoes where the Kobolds linger, there is an ancient ruin built by the Ancient empire containing an artifact MOFT ANCIENT. I had sent in a detachment to retrieve it, but they have not returned. If you can retrieve for that artifact for your King, you will find it very rewarding. One Thousand Gold Pieces rewarding. To avoid any depopulation issues, please report your Adventuring Resume to the garrison at King's Mill One Week prior to attempting to enter the mine. If you are not up to snuff, my AevulTroopers will suggest a more suitable way you can help your King [for reals though, I've never balanced one of these things so please get me character sheets before we dive in so I can set up encounters and shit, lvl 2 characters (so you can actually do spells if you want to! You can leave your friends behind!) Adnd 3rd edition/the one we usually play (if you want to pick up some jacked up class from that wiki of jacked up classes I have no problem with that)]. I would send in another detachment, but my ghostly economic adviser Mul'Ton Frejdmum tells me that allowing you shmucks to try will still get me the artifact and at maximum only cost me 100 gold pieces, and "keep the rifks in the Sector Moft Private." On second thought, scribe, they don't need to know that. Hey, I said scratch that out! Don't write this down either! By the Beard of Maelor, you think you're clever, don't you?! Guard, kill this scri----------" A long line extends from the last letter. Your characters [should] know what they must do; band together and retrieve the artifact! Good luck (they're going to need it......).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Names for the Inn Where We Begin

  1. The Lame Ass
  2. The Gnashing Gnoll
  3. The Dancing Goblin
  4. Last Stand
  5. Cheap Inn
  6. The Three Fine Wenches (with fine crossed out on the sign, possibly)
  7. Yellow Leadbedder Inn
  8. Old Oak Tavern
  9. Moldy Boot Saloon
  10. Gizzlerd and Metatron
  11. Booty Station
  12. Capsized Mary (a tavern in the hull of a ship)
  13. The Seven Dwarves Spa
  14. The Moaning Nun 
  15. The Polished Knob (logo on the sign is a winking wench)
  16. The Tipsy Tankard
  17. The Wily Wino (logo on the sign is an obviously drunk snidely whiplash-type rogue)
  18. The Jubilant Heifer
  19. The Dancing Duck
  20. Jimmy's
  21. Sojourner's Repose
  22. Step on Inn
  23. A Minimum of Rats
  24. Pilgrim's Progress's Pause
  25. The Lazy Eye (logo on the sign is a napping beholder)
  26. Peasant Hollows (or, Hollow Peasants)
  27. Picklehaus (sign: a barrel full of pickles )
  28. The Cracked Cabbage
  29. The King's Junk
  30. Ole Cracked Tankard
  31. Stewgaard
  32. Muttonmansion
  33. Queen Kestler's Three Nieces
  34. Dragonbreath Griddle
  35. Hacker Barrel (sign: a barrel full of axes)