Sunday, November 4, 2012

Names for the Inn Where We Begin

  1. The Lame Ass
  2. The Gnashing Gnoll
  3. The Dancing Goblin
  4. Last Stand
  5. Cheap Inn
  6. The Three Fine Wenches (with fine crossed out on the sign, possibly)
  7. Yellow Leadbedder Inn
  8. Old Oak Tavern
  9. Moldy Boot Saloon
  10. Gizzlerd and Metatron
  11. Booty Station
  12. Capsized Mary (a tavern in the hull of a ship)
  13. The Seven Dwarves Spa
  14. The Moaning Nun 
  15. The Polished Knob (logo on the sign is a winking wench)
  16. The Tipsy Tankard
  17. The Wily Wino (logo on the sign is an obviously drunk snidely whiplash-type rogue)
  18. The Jubilant Heifer
  19. The Dancing Duck
  20. Jimmy's
  21. Sojourner's Repose
  22. Step on Inn
  23. A Minimum of Rats
  24. Pilgrim's Progress's Pause
  25. The Lazy Eye (logo on the sign is a napping beholder)
  26. Peasant Hollows (or, Hollow Peasants)
  27. Picklehaus (sign: a barrel full of pickles )
  28. The Cracked Cabbage
  29. The King's Junk
  30. Ole Cracked Tankard
  31. Stewgaard
  32. Muttonmansion
  33. Queen Kestler's Three Nieces
  34. Dragonbreath Griddle
  35. Hacker Barrel (sign: a barrel full of axes)

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