Sunday, October 28, 2012

Campaign intro: "In the Fiefs of Zengi"

It is 1136 AD.

The First Crusade has ended, and the Second Crusade has yet to begin.

Zengi the Mad, Zengi the Cruel, Zengi the Warlord is ascendant in Syria. His fiefs are Aleppo and Mosul (in Iraq) and all the fiefs between.

To his west lie the Crusader Kingdoms -- Antioch, Tripoli, Jerusalem, and Edessa.

To his east the Turko-Persian princes vie for ascendency over their father's empire.

And Zengi has his cruel, mad eyes set on Damascus, but not on his own lands; not on a lonely keep at the edge of the Waste; not on the road that leads from that keep to the ruins of an ancient city.

Zengi's troops march away and leaves his lands unwatched and unpoliced. The lonely keep is undermanned and turns away no sell swords, and the ruins in the desert hold a vast treasure, guarded by evil magic, Shayatin, and the Dragon of the Southern Desert.

The time is ripe, adventurers.

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