Thursday, December 1, 2011

Two Arbres

Check it.

Thanks, BongjaminFranklin420.

Rumors of solitary or "lost" trees in the wastes. Hobgoblin Magyars consider them taboo.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Session #1

Wyad is a Specialist and currently the one and only PC in this campaign.

At the beginning of the first session Wyad rolled on the "What's My Character Doing in Chode?" Table (below) and rolled a 5. He decided that his malady was that he was a twin growing out of his twin's back (or vice versa). The twin had Wyad removed and promptly ran off with the healer, leaving Wyad to recuperate (and run up a tab) in Chode's only inn -- The Moaning Nun.

Wyad's player also rolled a d12 to determine what month it was. Turns out, it was February (the 17th), so the high pass to Riverton is closed off, the lake is frozen, and the snow is deep. Luckily, the winter is not so harsh (he rolled a 5/12).

Around town Wyad met:

Peggy, the innkeeper
Willem, a ranger
Mitch, the mayor of Chode
A hungover trader, wintering in Chode

Caramon and Raistlin, two adventuring brothers of little talent, with whom Wyad has made a contract, but with whom he has already broken that contract.

Mitch proved an incredibly friendly fellow and brought Wyad to the ruins on the western shore of the lake. They reached the ruins of the First Men fortress by dog sled, zipping across the frozen lake.

Wyad went right to work after shooing off the mayor. He discovered two secret doors, explored to the bottom of one, and fled a snuffling sound in the darkness.

As yet, no one suspects he has found anything in the ruins.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What's my character doing in Chode?

Roll d8 (exclude whichever of these does not apply to your character)

1. Worked for trader arrived in Chode. either a guard or servant (or accountant.....)
2. A local farm lad/lass
3. The deceased constable's son/daughter
4. You are in jail, you wreak of whiskey. This is the end of a three month bender that landed you in the Hinterlands, and your pickled brain remembers nothing
5. You were blind or deaf or ham-flavored, but a devoted family member brought you to a miracle healer here in Chode. You are healed; your family member has run off with the miracle healer
6. Formerly Dead, or perhaps formerly never alive, an experimenting wizard nevertheless put life in a corpse and it was your life. He quickly express mailed you to the ends of the earth to avoid trouble with the law. You remember nothing, but when you were taken out of your box there was a note scrawled on parchment: "You're Welcome! - Merv"
7. (or a re-write of #1) "Travel the Woooorld" they said. "Have an adveeeenture" they said. Well, it's been 6 months standing outside Chodely Joe's Tavern and Grill and you're straight up tired of throwing out the same drunkass dwarf night after night. Contract be damned, you're done being the chodey toady of this guard company, and you're taking the armor and billy club they forced you to buy from them and going to find some adventure yourself...

8. You've lived in Chode all your life, son of a hardworking dwarven immigrant family. When your father decided to work harder at Chodely Joe's tavern drinking and gambling, you found yourself without a future at a young age. Realizing the power of what destroyed your father, you apprenticed yourself to the local card shark. Three card montey, sleight of hand, and more than a little skill with a dagger for when a mark wanted to go back on the perfectly fair deal he'd signed up for. Things were heating up a bit though, it might not have been a good idea to scam your own father further into the hole. It might be best to skip town for a while...

9. After graduating mage school, you came back to your home town of Chode and took out a loan from a small businessman to open your own summoning shop and apothecary. You hadn't paid much attention in ley lines class, however, and it turns out a unique magical phenomenon causes all spells in chode to end up wider than they are tall, regardless of your intentions. Your repeated failures alienate and drive away clients, and that fellow that loaned you money (and his rather large friends) seem to be the only ones interested in stopping by anymore. Maybe you'll have better luck making it back in a dungeon...