Sunday, November 27, 2011

Session #1

Wyad is a Specialist and currently the one and only PC in this campaign.

At the beginning of the first session Wyad rolled on the "What's My Character Doing in Chode?" Table (below) and rolled a 5. He decided that his malady was that he was a twin growing out of his twin's back (or vice versa). The twin had Wyad removed and promptly ran off with the healer, leaving Wyad to recuperate (and run up a tab) in Chode's only inn -- The Moaning Nun.

Wyad's player also rolled a d12 to determine what month it was. Turns out, it was February (the 17th), so the high pass to Riverton is closed off, the lake is frozen, and the snow is deep. Luckily, the winter is not so harsh (he rolled a 5/12).

Around town Wyad met:

Peggy, the innkeeper
Willem, a ranger
Mitch, the mayor of Chode
A hungover trader, wintering in Chode

Caramon and Raistlin, two adventuring brothers of little talent, with whom Wyad has made a contract, but with whom he has already broken that contract.

Mitch proved an incredibly friendly fellow and brought Wyad to the ruins on the western shore of the lake. They reached the ruins of the First Men fortress by dog sled, zipping across the frozen lake.

Wyad went right to work after shooing off the mayor. He discovered two secret doors, explored to the bottom of one, and fled a snuffling sound in the darkness.

As yet, no one suspects he has found anything in the ruins.

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