Friday, February 10, 2012

The Earl speaks

I enclose herein, dear reader, a letter from the most excsellente Earle of Stafforde. It seems as though the Gawab of Jamcot had invited him as the official observer of the Queen, to observe the conflict between the embattled Gobs of Jamcot and the loathesome aggressors, the rat men.


On the Sqigsday (Goblin date), forces of the Gawab of Jamcot, led by Stumpy Gzat were ambushed and destroyed by a force of Ratmen in the Forest of Jamcot.

Ordered by the Gawab of Jamcot to investigate the alleged destruction of a small village in the Forest of Jamcot, Stumpy Gzat led a small force into the forest. Finding the rumors true, Stumpy was making his way back when he found himself ambushed by a contingent of Ratmen. Stumpy's force consisted of eight bow-goblins, guided by a forest scout, deployed in skirmish order, twenty spear-gobs and two goblins mounted on squigs, a curious and unreliable mount, moving a distance determined by the roll of two dice each turn. Stumpy found himself in a small glade, suddenly ambushed by Ratmen on all sides. Three groups of skirmishing "Night-Runners," a Jezzail hand-canonne, and a small group of eight armoured Clanrats, the bodyguard of a Vyle Ratman preist.

Battle was joined as the Ratmen, taking advantage of the ambush moved in towards the surrounded goblins, and fired upon them, to no effect with the Jezzail. Stumpy realized that he needed to escape to the north, he being some twenty inches from a safe point of escape. Stumpy ordered his Squigs to attack the cannonne to his left,the west, while the bow-gobs, of their own accord, moved to engage the approaching Clanrats to the northeast. Stumpy advanced northward with his own spear-gobs, continuing to take fire from the jezzail, still to no effect. To his left, the squig-cavalry was engaged by two groups of Nightrunners, eight in all, who killed one of the riders and mounts, forcing the other to flee, though only after his squig exacted revenge on the Ratmen, though he fled into the forest, gone from the battle Stumpy's bowmen proved to be quite effective and killed three of the Clanrats, causing them to flee in a rout. Before they were completely dispersed.from the field, they rallied and turned back towards the Goblins.

Stumpy's left flank having collapsed, he halted his movement as a group of Nightrunners charged the bow-gobs directly, and routed them. In terror, Stumpy's spear gobs fled, though he rallied them and formed up once again for the fight. Now, however, he was even further south, further from escape and he had just seen his routed bowmen cut down completely by Nightrunners. Now alone, Stumpy attempted to head south and then up to the east, keeping a grove between him and the Ratmen. Despite his inspired maneuvers however, the Ratmen boxed him in with their greater speed, eventually surrounding the goblins. The cunning Ratmen stayed just far enough distant that Stumpy's goblins could neither attack them, nor move closer for fear of being attacked themselves.

Finally the Ratmen struck, to Stumpy's front and rear, killing six of his men, while they bravely dispatched four ratmen. The confusion of the attack from the rear, coupled with the death of much of the unit caused the goblins to attempt to flee, despite Stumpy's heroic attempts to rally them, but their attackers cut them down completely as they ran.

Now the alarm is sounding the Village of Gar-yuk Rooil, the next likely site of attack, as the Gawab of Jamkot attempts to marshal his forces...

(The game was heavily influenced by the low Leadership of all troops involved. Stumpy and the Ratman leader only had Ld 6 so any morale checks were potentially disastrous. In fact, in the last rally check, Stumpy miraculously rolled a 3, but did nor pass due to the +4 mod to his roll from the Ratmen's advantages)

Hope you enjoyed this and that it makes sense. There will be others.


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