Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time, for E.G.G.


Game time is of utmost importance. Failure to keep careful track of time expenditure by player characters will result in many anomalies in the game. The stricture of time is what makes recovery of hit points meaningful. likewise, the time spent adventuring in wilderness areas remove concerned characters from their bases of operation - be they rented chambers or battlemented strongholds. Certainly the most important time stricture pertains to the manufacture of magic items, for during the period of such activity no adventuring can be done. Time is also considered in gaining levels and learning new languages and more. All of these
demands upon game time force choices upon player characters, and likewise number their days of game life. One of the things stressed in the original game of D&D was the importance of recording game time with respect to each and every player character in a campaign. In ad&d it is emphasized even more: YOU CAN NOT HAVE A MEANINGFUL CAMPAIGN IF STRICT TIME RECORDS ARE NOT KEPT."

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